Cache Creek Council Meeting Jan 18/2021

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Cache Creek Council Meeting Jan 18/2021

The Cache Creek Council Meeting started at 6pm live on the HUB Online Network. Councilor Lisa Defoe was not in attendance. The meeting started out with a delegation from Gareth Smart of the HUB Online Network. He outlined what the impact of filming the council meetings during 2020 there was, 26 , meetings filmed (not including the live events on Facebook, that was 18 hours of material created.  

Moving forward the Ashcroft and Cache Creek Council meeting will be aired live every Monday at 6pm, on the HUB Online Network. 

Overall the meeting was pretty standard, the minutes from the previous meetings were adopted as they were, both of those meetings unfortunately were missed by us, after that was the chief administrative officers report, which showcased what the village had accomplished, started or stalled on during 2020.

Two bylaws amendments were up for first reading, both surrounding cannabis sales and farming in the Cache Creek area. The first Bylaw in question was 5-001, some of the amendments included "Cannabis Production" - means a federally-licensed business or service growing, cultivating germinating, producing, storing, warehousing or packaging any product or thing containing Cannabis as defined by the federal Cannabis Act. 

"Farm" -means a business dedicated to the growing, rearing, producing or harvesting of agricultural crops, fur bearing animals, poultry or other livestock, excluding cannabis and industrial hemp production; and includes the storage, sale and processing of primary agricultural products harvested, reared or produced by the farming operation. 

"Industrial Hemp Production" - means a federally-licensed business or service, growing, cultivating, germinating, producing, storing, warehousing or packaging any product or thing containing hemp as defined by the federal Industrial Hemp Regulations. Another amendment covered the cost of doing business in cache Creek for Cannabis businesses is going to cost more than standard businesses.

The other bylaw was 6-001, which mainly saw amendments add terminology and new language to incorporate cannabis businesses to operate in Cache creek, for example; “'Cannabis Production Facility" - means a federally-licensed business or service growing, cultivating ge1minating, producing, storing, warehousing or packaging any product or thing containing Cannabis as defined by the federal Cannabis Act. 

"Industrial Hemp" - means cannabis plants and plant parts, of any variety, that contains 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or less in the leaves and flowering heads as defined by the Industrial Hemp Regulations. Etc. 

The Council spoke about a grant that had already been applied for the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - COVID 19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS) Adaptation, Resilience & Disaster  Mitigation (ARDM) Program.  

The council then sent a letter of support to Nelson in their advocacy of Vaccination Priority, for Essential Critical Infrastructure Municipal Employees. 

The meeting went into a closed meeting around the 19 minute timeline. You can check out the Meeting and my Precap which I will do every Monday breaking down the councils agenda. 


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Video Upload Date: January 18, 2021

The Hub Online Network is a media service provided by The Ashcroft Hub, an enterprising non-profit society with a mission to reduce the rural population decline by providing more opportunities for wellness, recreation, the arts and media.


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